Proposed Changes to the…

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Proposed Changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations: Bill 23 (Schedule 6) - the Proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

Under "Proposal details" in the ERO posting there's a subsection entitled
"Changes affecting the Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties." In the second paragraph down in that subsection it states "This process for Ministerial review would be set out through a revision to the S&Gs and may be applied to determinations made on or before the change comes into effect." I strongly disagree with the Minister being able to make changes to determinations made on or before the change comes into effect. This proposed change would mean that the Minister could change a heritage designation made at any time in the past. This is not appropriate and flies in the face of past decisions. Ministerial review should be limited to future proposed designations.

The third paragraph of the above said subsection is repetitive. Is a conflict between the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism and the Lieutenant Governor in Council foreseen? The Minister of Citizenship and Culture should be empowered to make these decisions on his or her own after consulting with the public and other government ministries. The Lieutenant Governor in Council should not be involved.

Part of the last sentence states "...LGIC is of the opinion that such exemption could potentially advance one or more of the following provincial priorities: transit, housing, long-term care and other infrastructure or other prescribed provincial priorities." To remove a heritage designation should rest in the hands of the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism only, after consultation with the public and other government bodies. "and other infrastructure or other prescribed provincial priorities." is way too vague and could be anything. All provincial priorities to which an exemption could apply should be spelled out in the legislation.

Under "New requirements for municipal registers and the inclusion of non-designated properties on the municipal register."
"Requiring municipalities to make an up-to-date version of the information on their municipal register available on a publicly-accessible municipal website. MCM is proposing that, if passed, proclamation of this amendment would be delayed by six months to allow municipalities time to make the necessary changes to their website." I agree with this.

With Fortitude,