It is commendable that the…

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It is commendable that the PC gov't in Ontario wants to keep its promise to create a large number of new homes in Ontario. There are ways and means to do this. The first priority is to plan, plan and plan. The present legislation of the bill passed on November 27 is not a plan - it is a travesty that will destroy many pristine areas of the Greenbelt, create massive areas of bricks and mortar and cement and asphalt to farmlands that were set up in very prime agricultural lands. These lands were set aside originally for that purpose. Why is this present government gambling that these lands will not be needed down the road to help feed and nourish the populace. We had health care until Covid came along, now we have little. The same can happen to our ability to produce agricultural products in the years ahead if this 'destruction' is allowed to carry on. The land use belongs to the people, not to the developers to amass fortunes, or, to the PC party who have already profited from donations from these same developers or, as many of us suspect, to the financial gain of some party elected members. Please Mr. Ford and Mr. Clark, scrub the legislation and go back to the drawing board and fulfill your promise to create homes in a viable, just and sensible way without destroying our children's heritage. You seem to forget that you also made a promise to not touch the Green Belt. One can not keep one promise
while breaking another without being hypocritical.