This legislation is as…

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This legislation is as atrocious as is it egregious. REPEAL it in it's entirety. By removing necessary and important development charges, it downloads tremendous costs which are NOT appropriate burden for everyday owners and will increase taxes across the populous significantly, and which RIGHTLY should be the burden of developers of sprawl. This is a specious form of trickle-down economics that does NOT work and is a complete falsehood; in no way do development fees for sprawl prevent affordable housing in any way. It's disingenuous to say density is unaffordable, run amok it certainly will be, and it is important to note that very much like sprawl will be unaffordable, not all higher-density is more affordable if implemented without proper regulations, it's crucial that effective quotas and controls be included. When PC party spin doctors say it's quote unquote "attainable" housing, they are telling us it will be multi-million dollar homes that are "attainable" but NOT affordable, only for the rich. Simultaneously the land developers are making egregious profits on land speculation which should be subject to development taxes and fees of the highest order. To say nothing of the fact this bears all the hallmarks of criminal levels of insider trading and unjust enrichment and conflict of interest, not even the worst of this god-forsaken boondoggle mind you. It further overrides the proper protections in place for environmental and wetland protections, which should NOT be happening and NEVER be allowed for such gaslighting self-interest specious motives. Worse still is the fact that too many municipalities to count are against this, and this goes against the purpose and interests of this and several Ministries which have a duty to perform their duties responsibly, honestly, and with due care. Perhaps worst of all, countless studies have shown that building within the urban footprint we already have, building up and development density with mixed use and carve-out quotas for affordable units is by far and away the most effective way, and nearly every municipality have supported such an approach already.