Myself and my family are…

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Myself and my family are deeply concerned with the opening of the Greenbelt by Premier Doug Ford, who has been recorded for the public to hear in the past about four years ago before his reelection promising NOT TO TOUCH THE GREENBELT.
Should anyone with a track record of lying be allowed such power as he is wielding now?
We do not believe the hype the Premier and Steve Clark and Conservative Party members like Sam Oosterhoof are spewing regarding Housing Crisis. Do they have a crystal ball that shows them positively there is going to be a huge influx of immigrants in the next 10 years? Do they know for a fact that the said immigrants will want to live on the Greenbelt? Right now in Ontario there are many homeless people living in tents and on the street with winter coming. Why is Ford not trying to secure these Canadians now affordable housing not the mansions that will be built on the Greenbelt.
Climate change just might wipe us all out within the 10 years if the Greenbelt is opened up and destroyed.
Ford is disrespecting all our hardworking Canadian farmers and with his plan there just not be any Canadian farming left instead we will have to rely on foreign countries.
Ford is performing like a dictator not allowing public input that is a very scary slippery slope.
Ford should be eliminated from his elected position as Premier. His job performance has been bleak and unacceptable.
There is so much wrong with this whole scheme one could write forever but I will instead close saying, Ford has absolutely no right to open up the Greenbelt because it was legislated in the past to be permanently protected in for good and smart reasons.
The majority of the Canadian taxpayers see clearly that this boils down to Ford pandering to his developer buddies and they ALL are simply after GREED,
Thank you for allowing me to participate because it is so important.