We are totally opposed to…

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We are totally opposed to Bill 23 and its impact on the integrity of the lands protected under the Greenbelt legislation. The value proposed "land swap" proposal does not address the ecological value of the lands that will be opened up for development, particularly in the area of the Duffins Creek headwaters in Pickering/Ajax.
It is painfully evident that Doug Ford lied, that the developers had advance notice of the windfall they were being granted and that this was a political quid pro quo arrangement to reward Conservative donors. There are NO requirements that these development proposals even guarantee low cost housing, which is what is needed and which be addressed by infill development, not by sprawling onto protected land. Future developments should take place along major corridors such as Yonge St. in Aurora, and other approved lands that fit into municipal planning. Additionally, developers are being granted carte blanche to go ahead without paying critically necessary development charges.
This is the most blatant theft of public land since the years of Mike Harris. It is a theft, from present and future generations of Ontario's taxpayers - and voters. Speaking of which, we didn't get to vote on this proposal, did we, as it was not announced until after the election.
It is a criminal act by this government in intent if not in law - a lie ("I won't touch Greenbelt lands"), and a theft of funds that should be going to municipalities that will not have the means to service these lands. It is unconscionable.