To allow the development of…

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To allow the development of land critical to the maintenance of a viable water shed for a city the size and breadth of Toronto is nothing short of criminal in nature. It transcends any form of negligence as defined by our Justice system, both civil and criminal.

Those responsible for these decisions will be long forgotten by the time the affects of same ravage the province and its inhabitants.

Sheer greed under the guise of political response to a pandemic driven economical phenomenon, allows for such seemingly altruistic solutions to be considered by those in power at this point in time. It’s a perfect storm for the contemplation of such short sighted and incredibly shallow decisions to offset the affects of a weakened economy and the temporarily inflated housing market.
Who benefits more than the politicians and the developers of the day?? No one, except perhaps the legacy left to those next in line.

The next several years show clearly what the affects of the aging boomer population will have on the presently inflated housing market.
But how does that natural affect benefit any of the above noted politicians and developers? It doesn’t What they need besides a large boost to their bottoms lines is an immediate and irreversible consequence, and that consequence is the degradation of the very source of life itself, water.