The Act will open up for…

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The Act will open up for development, 7400 Acres of Ontario's Green Belt, some of the best farm land in the country, and some of Ontario's most environmentally sensitive land, and wet-lands, in order to build homes. The Ford Government's own housing task force concluded there was enough land already available for the necessary housing, and the Act makes no provisions that the homes built will be affordable.

The effects of climate change & the climate emergency the world is now in are being felt in Ontario. Building over any of the lands within the Greenbelt, building new highways & changing urban boundaries will have an exponential affect throughout Ontario. We are all connected! Destroying habitat in one location means death for all wildlife and nature in that place. Those lives - whether they be animal plant water soil - cannot be replaced by protecting another parcel of land somewhere else.

The winds of 2022 in dm downtown Toronto alone have been off the proverbial map. If this government further destroys remaining intact habitats and ecosystems for houses and highways we will experience climate change on a much increased and devastating scale.

No one’s goal should be to make millions.
Unless of course it’s not I make millions to preserve wildlife the natural environment and all the benefits we as human beings can appreciate living side by side to the natural world.

It is incredibly alarming to think that any one of these developers would not think twice about destroying countless endangered species homes for profit. These species and their homes should have protections forever!

We can set a true precedent in Ontario.
Also the fact that bird protections would be weakened is absolutely shocking, cruel and just plan careless. Birds fave enough difficulty navigating buildings as they fly their migratory paths. Keep protections in any new-builds and improve them on existing buildings for birds and all wildlife.

Hand off the green belt!
This is a devastating bill!!
Thank you.