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We are planning consultants writing on behalf of Westlake Canada Inc., dba Westlake Pipe & Fittings, (‘Westlake’), a well-established manufacturing company located in the City of Vaughan, Region of York. Over the past thirty years ‘Westlake’ has manufactured and distributed a wide variety of pipes, fittings and building products serving our regional market from convenient locations in Vaughan employing approximately 170 workers and staff, amongst their various buildings.

While the ‘housing’ objectives of Bill 23 are substantial, there is a need to also ensure that the established provincial land use compatibility framework continues to protect the long-term viability of existing or planned industrial and manufacturing and related uses within Employment Areas.

In summary, over the years various GTHA Employment Areas experienced pressures of encroachment by defined ‘Sensitive Land Uses’, especially where located in proximity to viable and active industrial businesses. Today, established policies and regulations protect the integrity of Employment Areas from the encroachment of ‘Sensitive Land Uses’ and this is based on the current policies of ‘A Place to Grow’ and the ‘PPS’ as further implemented via municipal Official Plans and zoning.

In conclusion, it is important in my professional planning opinion that a housing-focused policy review of ‘A Place to Grow’ and the ‘Provincial Policy Statement’ continue to protect vulnerable ‘Employment Areas’ from the potential encroachment of any new residential or ’Sensitive Land Uses’, with effective land use planning policies and regulations guiding municipal official plans and zoning.