Comments from Town of Halton Hills Planning Staff:
1. Accelerate implementation of update Additional Residential Unit framework.
Staff are supportive of expanded permissions for a ‘primary unit + two additional units’ scenario. Such permissions could be positive within existing neighbourhoods in terms of providing the opportunity for adaptive re-use of existing cultural heritage resources or densification of large lots with minimal existing coverage. This updated framework should also assist with the delivery and implementation of gentle density within existing neighbourhoods.
The Province should clarify, through updated regulations, what qualifies as a ‘unit in a structure ancillary to the primary dwelling’. The direction should be that these unit types be connected to water/waste water services, and meet Ontario Building Code standards.
2. Supersede local official plans and zoning to automatically apply province-wide to any parcel of land where residential uses are permitted in settlement areas with full municipal water and sewage services (excepting for legal non-conforming uses such as existing houses on hazard lands).
Staff are supportive of this change so long as a municipality’s ability to impose lot standards (yard set-backs, lot coverage limits, soft landscaping requirements) through zoning by-laws are maintained.
3. Remove barriers and incent these types of units by prohibiting municipalities from imposing development charges, parkland dedication or cash-in-lieu requirements, applying minimum unit sizes or requiring more than one parking space per unit.
Staff understand the need to incentivize the creation of these units, however municipalities should be able to continue imposing registration fees for these new units through an application process. This will ensure that the newly created units are properly inspected.
Additionally, either planning authorities should be able to set maximum units sizes for Additional Residential Units, or one should be set through the Ontario Building Code. This would be particularly important where two ADRs are created in conjunction with an existing primary unit.
Submitted December 9, 2022 1:58 PM
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Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
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