On behalf of the Lammer…

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


On behalf of the Lammer Development Group (“Owner”), Corbett Land Strategies
Inc. ("CLS") wishes to submit the following comments to the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing (“MMAH") in response to its review of the Region of Waterloo
Official Plan Amendment No. 6. The Regional Municipality of Waterloo adopted the
Official Plan Amendment (OPA) as part of its Municipal Comprehensive Review on
August 18, 2022. The OPA proposes to establish the planning framework to
accommodate population and employment forecasts to 2051. The OPA also establishes
new policies regarding land use, transportation, public transit, water and wastewater
(amongst others). To assist the Province in its review, the following offers commentary
on the proposed OPA specifically pertaining to the lands located at 241 Queen Street
West, Cambridge (subject lands).

The subject lands and buildings were purchased from the City of Cambridge in 1987.
The original Purchase and Sale agreement committed both parties to Mutual Assistance
and co-operation in attempting to secure the necessary Municipal, Regional and
other approvals required for the development of the lands. Further it committed the
City to provide services and the developer to renovate the old industrial buildings to a
minimum of 260 purpose-built residential rental units. This site has therefore long been
envisioned to evolve into a residential use, capitalizing on the site’s river front setting
and its potential to add significant economic benefit to Cambridge. It would contribute
substantially to the renewal of the Hespeler core by bringing people and their economic
and social vitality to the neighbourhood. It is also useful to note, residential zoning has
been granted on the adjacent industrial property.

On February 24, 2021, the Lammer Development Group requested the City’s support for
a Minister’s Zoning Order. On April 27, 2021, the City of Cambridge Staff Report 21-
126(CD) was prepared in support of the proposed Lammer Development Group Minister’s
Zoning Order (Appendix A). Due to timing, the MZO was not advanced and has since
remained on hold.

As set out in Appendix A, the owner is proposing the development of the subject lands to
include a mixed-use community consisting of approximately 1,500 to 1,800 residential
dwellings including 260 purpose-built rental units, senior assessed housing units and
affordable housing (Appendix B). Several medium and high-rise mixed use apartment
buildings are proposed along Queen Street West as well as new road infrastructure. The
overall development will activate 10 to 12 acres of green space, along the Speed River.
To support of the proposed development, the Owner has advanced considerable
technical work.

Given the subject lands proximity to the Hespeler downtown, it will offer a unique
opportunity of creating a complete community on a former industrial parcel. The proposed
development would create approximately 400 jobs per year, phased over 6-8 years,
approximately $1 billion in new property assessment and approximately $10 million in
additional annual tax revenue. The subject lands are also uniquely located adjacent to an
existing rail corridor which has been assessed as an optimal connection for a future GO
Train route into the GTA.

The Regional Official Plan Amendment brought into effect the first phase of the MCR to
accommodate the region’s forecasted growth to 2051. Of the key components, the OPA
promotes an intensification first approach to development, identifies where and how the
region will grow to 2051, identifies minimum intensification targets, implements a series
of employment lands to convert and provides direction to phase growth and infrastructure
in a sustainably and financially responsible manner.

The proposed development will assist in achieving the Region’s forecasted to growth to
923,000 people and 470,000 jobs by 2051, of which 214,900 people and 120,700 are
forecasted for the City of Cambridge. As the subject lands are located within the Urban
Areas, it is believed that the proposed development will assist in achieving the target of
directing 90 percent of the Region’s population and employment growth to its Urban

In support of the Ministry’s review of the Regional Official Plan, this development
represents a significant achievement of Provincial, Regional and Local planning
objectives. Further, it’s consideration for an MZO by municipal staff establishes it as a
development which is supported and can immediately achieve housing subject to the
implementation of certain planning provisions. As such, it is requested that the Ministry
consider the implementation of the following standards through its review:

a) A high-density residential development including apartment buildings and
accessory uses;
b) Rezone the subject lands to Residential Multiple (RM3) and Institutional (N2) Zone with exceptions;
c) Maximum height of buildings and structures of 85 metres, inclusive of rooftop
mechanical structures;
d) No maximum number of dwelling units per hectare;
e) Maximum lot coverage of 30 percent;
f) Minimum floor space index of 1.2;
g) Maximum floor space index of 2.9; and,
h) No minimum lot frontage.

It is the hope of the Lammer Development Group that the above comments will assist in
the Province’s review of the Region of Waterloo Official Plan Amendment and to
incorporate policies that establish immediate solutions to address the housing supply
crisis. Should there be any questions or a need for further information, feel free to reach
out to the below.

John Corbett
John B. Corbett, MCIP, RPP
Corbett Land Strategies Inc.

Supporting documents