Premier Ford, Minister Clark…

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Premier Ford, Minister Clark and the provincial government,

I would like to express my strong opposition to the proposed changes to the PPS and Growth Plan.

It is wrong to solely prioritize housing developments at the expense of our environment, farmland and much needed climate action.

There is no balance and this is certainly not in the best public interest.

There needs to be far more public consultation and focus on long-term sustainability rather than immediate profit for land speculators. This government knows that promoting inefficient sprawl, encouraging expensive settlement boundary expansions, paving over needed/irreplaceable farmland, removing essential safety regulations and protections is not going result in more housing any faster than current plans for far more efficient and sustainable housing on the massive amounts of land that has already been approved and available for years. The government knows that the need for more land is false and goes against the wishes of the vast majority of Ontarians who want to see more environmental protection, climate action and sustainability efforts from all levels of government.

The chaos likely to result from these extremely ill-conceived and poorly thought out changes to the PSS and Growth Plan will be considerable, expensive and likely take years for communities to recover from.

As the recent COP 27 and Global Biodiversity conferences demonstrated firsthand, the Ontario government is going in the polar opposite direction of the rest of Canada and the entire world. This isn't going to end well for Ontario and I urge you, on behalf of my children and entire family not to proceed with this proposal and these absurd changes that are so against the best public interest and greater public good.