As a recreational sailboat…

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As a recreational sailboat owner, these proposed changes will have a detrimental impact on the ability to use the many beautiful areas of our province, in particular areas of the Great Lakes. I have spent many summers cruising the Great Lakes, in particular the areas of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and the Northv Channel areas. Marina facilities are few in number, and the attraction of the area as one of the best freshwater cruising areas in the world will be negatively impacted

In particular the 300 meter requirement will pose a practical and safety hazard. To obtain a secure and safe anchorage with water depth appropriate to anchor a sail or power boat will not be generally possible 300 meters offshore. Boats is anchored that far out may pose a hazard to navigation. This rule should be reviewed.

I can appreciate the concerns of landowners in some situations. The blanket 300 meter rule however is a blunt approach to solving a potential problem that only exists in limited circumstances. I would encourage a more flexible approach, potentially addressing repeat problem areas or boaters (over water camping). In my experience the vast majority of boaters are considerate, reasonable individuals who display care and concern for the natural environment and their temporary neighbours on land

Waterways are public property, and rights of passage and navigation are long standing. Land owners do own the waterways.

I would agree that essentially permanently moored barges or floating homes as opposed to more transient (ie traditional) boaters merit regulation.

Overall this regulation should be reviewed. In particular the 300 meter rule should be reduced to perhaps 125-150 meters and applied with flexibility with regard to safety and security; maintaining the ability of individuals to enjoy our provinces waterways

thank you