Re Consultation Question #:…

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Re Consultation Question #:
1. I FULLY AGREE with streamlining the regulatory, approval and permitting processes.
2. I DO NOT AGREE to beginning work on planning and siting for nuclear generation. This technology has been shown to be too expensive and too slow to build. I am also strongly opposed to any new natural-gas-fired generators. I DO agree to starting work as soon as possible on pump storage, waterpower [including the importation of hydroelectricity from Quebec], solar, and wind facilities.
3. I FULLY AGREE to making additional investment to reduce energy production by natural gas plants, even though it may increase costs to ratepayers. Customers must pay whatever price is necessary for Ontario to quickly reach net-zero carbon emissions and reverse the devastating effects of climate-change on our plant.
4. I have NO CONCERNS regarding the potential cost impacts associated with the investments needed for new electricity infrastructure, as it is essential for us to quickly reach net-zero carbon emissions. You can reduce the costs of new clean electricity infrastructure by: buying hydroelectric power from Quebec; and stop listening to anyone advocating continued use of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
5. I DO NOT AGREE with the adoption of hydrogen for use in electricity generation, because you would continue to use fossil fuels to produce hydrogen. I DO agree, however, with efforts to produce green hydrogen using electricity. The urgent need to invest in truly green emerging technologies [like batteries, solar and wind, and not hydrogen from natural gas, and not a new type of nuclear plant], to reduce carbon emissions, outweighs the concern of cost impact to electricity consumers.
6. I FULLY AGREE with the need to invest in truly non-emitting energy supplies. You can enhance energy efficiency programs by: stop allowing sprawling housing development; stop building more roads that encourage car travel; build denser communities and rapid transit; change the building codes and encourage retrofitting so that heat-pumps [and NOT hybrid gas-electric systems] are everywhere; and start educating the public regarding the urgent need, and the high price to pay, to stop climate change.
7. I DO NOT agree that you should assess the potential for development of new hydroelectric generation in Ontario UNLESS you have already ensured that the greatest possible investment has been made in solar, wind, and batteries, and in acquiring all available hydro power from Quebec. Under NO circumstances should you invest in any power source that uses fossil fuels or nuclear energy.
8. Sustainably produced electricity is essential for our survival in a carbon-neutral world. I believe that the Ontario government should exercise its strongest powers to ensure that transmission corridors can be preserved and lines can be built as quickly and cost effectively as possible.