When I read the postings…

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When I read the postings about some asphalt mix facilities apply to be registered under the Technical Standards Registry – Air Pollution, I contacted the Ministry for more info, I received the following response:

“The ministry takes your concerns seriously and is committed to making sure the people of Ontario have clean and safe air, land and water.

Ontario’s regulatory approach to improving local air quality focuses first on setting protective air standards, using these air standards to assess the environmental performance on regulated facilities and identifying where we need to do more. The ministry then looks to technical solutions for improvements.

Through the technical standards approach, our goal is to reduce emissions through continuous improvement and the implementation of best available technologies and practices over time.”

As I know, the best available practice to reduce industrial pollution hurts public health is: the pollution industrial facilities keep enough separation distance from public, this is common sense in this world, and the Ministry also has its study conclusion, for asphalt mix facilities, the minimum separation distance is 300m, and better separation distance is 1000m. Hope the Ministry apply this as one of the best available practices to all asphalt mix facilities in Ontario to ensure Ontarians have clean and safe air.