I would like to start off by…


I would like to start off by saying Thank You Doug Ford for realizing that we have a very serious housing problem and introducing BILL 97 (Rural land severance’s)
I do believe that the Ontario government needs to step in and start over - riding municipalities that are set in there ways, by not giving out rural land severance’s.
We have a very serious problem here in Ontario , that needs to be delt with A.S.A.P.
I am all about preserving the farm land that feeds us, but I do agree with giving farm land owners and rural land owners the opportunity to sever off land for family members , farm help ect.
I find it very hard to believe that these municipalities are stuck in there ways (don’t want the city people moving into THEIR area)
It’s time to wake up and take a look out the window (Municipal members)
I personally have been trying to sever off 1.5 to 2 acres off my 5 acre parcel of land in East Garafraxa for my son, so he can start a life in the area he grew up in and the area that he works as a agricultural FARM mechanic.
It’s hard to believe that people that own land, and have the resources, being property cannot help a family member out, because “ once again” their municipality is stuck in their ways, and blames the Ontario Government for this.
So here we are with BILL 97
Please stick to your word , and make things work for rural people and open up land severance.

Thank you