Dear Ministry of Municipal…

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Dear Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,

I am writing as a concerned citizen of Hamilton in response to your recent decision to enforce an expansion of our city's urban boundaries, as part of the review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and the Provincial Policy Statement.

While I understand the gravity of the housing crisis we are facing, and applaud the intent to address it, I firmly believe that this particular solution will, unfortunately, exacerbate existing issues and create new ones. Let me explain:

1) Undemocratic Decision-Making: This decision contradicts the resolution of our elected city council, which represents the voices and interests of Hamilton's citizens. We, as Hamiltonians, are left feeling unheard and disenfranchised.

2) Increased Urban Sprawl: The imposed expansion encourages sprawl - an inefficient and costly investment for our city. The associated expenses, both direct (land development costs) and indirect (environmental impact), far outweigh the minimal increase in property tax these low-density developments provide.

3) Exacerbating Climate Emergency: We are in the midst of a climate crisis, and this decision threatens to worsen our predicament. Expanding our urban boundary increases our reliance on fossil fuels, pushing us further away from sustainable, climate-friendly solutions.

4) Overriding City Governments: This decision appears to override our city government's authority. The Ministry should instead support local initiatives to develop affordable housing within the existing city limits, which will not burden our city with unsustainable sprawl for generations to come.

5) Potential Developer Influence: This decision, unfortunately, raises questions about potential undue influence from wealthy developers and construction companies. If this is the case, it is detrimental to those most impacted by our twin crises - housing and climate.

I urge you, on behalf of myself and other concerned Hamiltonians, to reconsider this decision. I strongly believe that addressing our housing crisis should not come at the expense of our environment, our democratic processes, and the sustainable development of our city.

I look forward to hearing your response and a resolution that puts the best interests of Hamilton and Ontario at heart.