The following resolution was…

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Comment ID


Commenting on behalf of

Township of Woolwich

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


The following resolution was ratified by Township of Woolwich Council on May 16, 2023:

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, pass the following resolution:

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario’s has proposed a revised Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) for review and comment on the Environmental Registry until June 5, 2023;

WHEREAS the proposed PPS changes will have significant impacts to local planning and the development of the Township of Woolwich;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Woolwich, considering Report DS25-2023 respecting the draft new Provincial Policy Statement:

1. Request the Government of Ontario continue to maintain population projections for growth and implement stronger policies and associated justification of settlement boundary expansions.

2. Request the Government of Ontario require strong justification for the conversion of employment lands and require municipalities to ensure that adequate employment land is provided to create a complete community.

3. Request the Government of Ontario remove references in the PPS where policies require municipalities to allow/permit certain development, being polices and

4. Request the Government of Ontario remove the proposed policies to permit severance in the prime agricultural area as:
1. many areas would have greater benefit from directing growth to settlement areas and protecting their remaining farmland;
2. such severances divide farmlands and reduces the amount of farmland, and reduces the protection of farmland;
3. it has the potential to increase minimum distance separation conflicts which will reduce the ability of livestock operations to grow;
4. will likely increase the number of issues between residential uses and farming;
5. does not appear to align with the vision statement of the PPS related to “the creation of housing in the right place to create a vibrant agricultural sector” and “support and protect the long term-viability of the rural-areas, local food production and the agri-food network”;
6. housing in agricultural areas is not required as such housing does not address the affordable of attainable housing needs in Ontario;
7. results in more wells and private sanitary (septic systems) in rural areas and may impact source water protection;
8. it provides development that is costly to maintain;
9. it places greater demand on our rural road and the provision of services to these properties; and
10. it does not support the creation of a complete community.

5. Request the Government of Ontario not alter the policies at it applies to alternative evaluations for mineral aggregate extraction rehabilitation.

6. Direct staff to send a copy of this resolution and staff Report DS25-2023 to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, area MPP’s, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and area municipalities.

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