Bill 91, currently before…

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Bill 91, currently before the legislature for third reading, would allow new and the sale/trade of existing licenses for dog trial and train areas (or penned dog hunting facilities). This section of the legislation proposes to allow an unethical, inherently inhumane practice to grow: the capture of wild foxes and coyotes and purchased rabbits to be kept captive so dogs may be trained to hunt them. This should have been stopped years ago - not a new proposal to continue and increase this practice. When dogs are killed for sport, it is frequently regarded as cruel due to the injuries and pain they sustain. Hunting with dogs destroys habitats, animal families, and endangers and kills young animals, leaving them vulnerable. This bill reinstates how disposable our wildlife is and intensifies the increase of inhumane practices and a total disregard of property owner rights in Ontario.

Wildlife should never be taken from their natural environments and held captive by hunters. Hunting pens are inhumane and unethical. The use of wild animals for bait to train hunting dogs is deplorable. Such activities and facilities also go against the doctrine of holding wildlife in trust for the public; to allow a special interest group to influence policy regarding wildlife and their use is an affront to this doctrine and reinforce the lack of trust in this Ministry and government to act impartially, and for the benefit of all residents.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposed changes demonstrate the complete disrespect towards wild animals by catering to the requests of hunters (the ministry’s notice states: “Over time, the ministry has received requests for changes to allow dog train and trial areas to continue to persist, including allowing for licence transfers in response to aging licence holders, as well as new licences to be issued.”) Wild animals such as foxes, coyotes, and rabbits are captured and held in captivity only to be subjected to cruelty, abuse, and suffering through the training and trialing of hunting dogs. These archaic facilities have no place in today’s society. This Ministry should be charged with wildlife abuse and reinforcing inhumane treatment to our wildlife. This is not hunting - three is no good moral and prudent practices when using dogs, nor any semblance of fair chase.

Every year there are reports of trespassing, damage to crops, property, and livestock, and allegations of animal cruelty based on the current rules. The proposal to increase the numbers is immoral and an afront to all of the citizens in Ontario. Problems are not reported because they are not addressed through the existing legal channels - this Ministry can't even do its own research into the current issues and fix the existing problems. Its seems that property owners in Ontario with posted signs - "no trespassing", "no hunting" are of little consequences to this Ministry and they have no rights. The province of roadside killing and lack of enforcement and fines that are meaningful.