I'm 70 years old and I was…

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I'm 70 years old and I was the fifth generation to own the farm I have lived on all my life.
My daughter the current owner is the sixth generation.
The seventh generation is looking to start in the next few years.
Our farm is located about 20 km. west of Waterloo.
To think that a Provincial Government that has had huge rural support in the past could come up with a policy that is so negative for rural Ontario is hard to believe.
To allow up to three lots per farm is the worst idea I have heard in my 70 years.
You talk about wanting higher density house to be built and more environment friendly and this would be exactly the opposite.
The increased challenges or working the land and growing crops in fields that are irregular in shape because of extra building lots is time consuming and an increased use of fuel.
Lots in the rural areas tend to be bigger and need to be to allow for septic systems to take care of
the sewage.
The conflict between city dwellers in rural areas with normal farm practices is inevitable.
It sounds more all the time like we are moving to a dictatorship when the one arm of Government wants to control all aspects of our lives by take away local Municipal control.
I have already told my two grandsons who both want to farm to look to another province if this bill passes because there is no future for them to farm in Ontario.
I think we are heading for the same thing that is currently happening to agriculture in Holland.
With the amount of land in Ontario that is not suitable to be used for agriculture and the only place we seem to want to build is on the best agricultural land in the country is very near sighted.
I hope someone sees through this ill conceived bill and it gets it thrown out.
We need to look at categorizing all land in Ontario and come up with a long range plan that stops growing houses on the best land that should be saved for growing food.
Some day we will regret it and it will be too late.
I was on the local township council for nine years.
You always heard the comment that we need new development to get increased assessment for increased tax revenue.
If this was true why do our Province and Federal Governments have such a huge debt problem?
We had a birthday party at our farm a couple of years ago and there was a Senator here and she
commented how beautiful it was out in the country.
I told her in fifty years it would be all gone.
I think if we continue to go down the path of the current Government it won't take that long.
A real shame.
Please give this bill some serious thoughtful consideration before it becomes law.