Premier Ford is backing up…

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Premier Ford is backing up on his BIG SPLASH “Read my lips…” regarding the untouchability of The Greenbelt. Being the trustworthy man that he is, I find this incomprehensible… using the Greenbelt to solve the affordable housing problem? I am aghast at this reversal! This revelation!

Like it could not seen to be coming… What were our choices? Theiving, rapacious Liberals? Feeble, INEFFECTIVE NDP, who enabled the Liberals and then got screwed by the Liberals? a Conservative Ford? The guy who wanted Ontario licenses to proclaim Ontario is open for business. What a pack of winners! Soooo much to choose from…

By now I believe you’ve caught on the opening paragraph was being cynical… I digress.

My question is this…If there is a housing shortage, skyrocketing the price of city, or urban areas to unafFORDable levels, what is the price range of the new housing proposed? If it’s going to be millions per unit who could afford that? Oh yeah, the ones who already have a house. They can sell theirs at exorbitant prices THEN move to The Greenbelt, I mean the country.

STICK IT to them… they are messing our lives, more precarious than ever, for MONEY.