Building homes is important…

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Building homes is important but this government is going at it in the wrong way. Forcing communities to sprawl outward into valuable farmland is fixing one problem to make another much worse. It’s short sighted and idiotic.

If building homes was the real goal than this government wouldn’t have forced the City of Hamilton, City of Waterloo, Region of Halton etc to sprawl outside of their boundaries when the land to meet their housing quotas already existed with in them. This government also wouldn’t have taken away the municipalities ability to appeal the decision.

You’re acting like school yard bullies. You get what you want to enrich yourselves, and your buddies and you don’t care who pays the price. You don’t care that you’re destroying this province piece by piece and making the future much more costly for all of us. You’re doing it with housing and you’re doing it with privatizing our healthcare.

Taking up valuable farm land when our population keeps increasing is incredibly short sighted.

This bill is making it more difficult for farmers to grow their land and pass on their land to their children and family. Farming is already incredibly difficult and not a job that people seek out, with climate change the risk of loosing crops is incredibly high, as well as the rising cost of everything making profitable farming even more difficult.

Making it more difficult for farmers to earn a living means they will give up, sell their land and try another profession. Sure the land will be great for condos but at what cost? If we can’t feed our growing population we’re going to be in even worse trouble.

40% of our farmers are retiring in the next decade. This government needs to do everything in its power to help farmers, not make things more difficult. Try consulting with the people your idiotic policies will hurt and actually listen to them instead of steam rolling things thru to help your rich donor buddies, Doug.