There are several proposed…

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There are several proposed changes to the PPS that are very short-sighted and unsustainable, but the most egregious is the proposal to permit three severances on each farm throughout the province. I agree with the joint statement issued by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture that indicated this plan will undermine the ability of farmers to continue to function in the province of Ontario. These severances will result in destructive fragmentation of rural areas, and create absolutely avoidable conflicts between residents and farmers trying to carry on farming operations - due to noise, odours and traffic.
Have the implications of drastically increasing the number of access points along rural roads been fully considered by the Ministery of Transportation? This is a massive safety concern. Each of these newly created lots will require a driveway.

Prime farmland is a non-renewable resource. The proposed severances will increase the rate of farmland loss, which is already estimated to be 319 acres per day. Allowing these severances will boost the price of farmland - pushing it further out of reach for new farmers and farmers who would like to expand existing operations. The proposal creates uncertainty that is destructive for farming operations.
The people who live in Ontario need a reliable, stable source of Ontario grown food. Agriculture is also an important pillar of the Ontario economy and it creates a significant amount of employment. This proposal puts our food supply and our economy at risk.
I wholeheartedly support the submissions from Ontario Nature and Ontario Farmland Trust on this matter.

Rural residential (estate) zoning was put to an end over a decade ago for a good reason. Ontario should not need to be forced to re-learn lessons from the past.

Please withdraw the proposal to allow three severances on each farm.
In addition I request the removal of proposed changes to the PPS that will promote sprawl. For example: municipal density targets should remain in place, growth needs to be directed towards areas already designated for residential development within existing settlement and urban boundaries. Proposals to allow boundary expansions with little or no justification are poorly thought through - this will result in sprawl. MCRs provide evidence to justify expansion or retaining existing boundaries. MCRs should continue to be required. Sprawl that is caused by allowing growth outside existing boundaries, and in rural areas. Sprawl will result in increasing unsustainable costs for municipalities due to the need to create and maintain new infrastructure.
Ontario needs to improve public transit and reduce reliance on cars. We are seeing increased evidence of the impact of climate change ass a result of fossil fuel dependence. Building more roads and highways is not helpful. Expanding development further from built up areas also results in public transit being less feasible, causing increased reliance on cars, not less.
The assertion that Ontario needs more land to build much needed housing is not supported by multiple studies, including the findings reported by the Ontario Housing Affordabilty Task Force in 2022.
There is absolutely no evidence that supports opening the Greenbelt and farmland for housing. Ontario needs more affordable housing. Housing in remote areas is more expensive, not less.
Thank you for considering these comments.