Section 3.6 of the proposed…

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Commenting on behalf of

The Corporation of the Municipality of McDougall

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


The current review of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) is to generate an appropriate housing supply, make land available for development, provide infrastructure to support development, and balance housing with resources. However, the current policies related to partial services has mired the opportunity for the Municipality of McDougall to expand the Nobel settlement area and reach the goals and objectives of the More Homes, More Choice Act, and More Homes Built Faster Act.

Section 3.6 of the proposed PPS prescribes that "Partial services shall only be permitted [ ] within settlement areas to allow for infilling and minor rounding out of existing development on partial services…"

No consideration has been given to the outdated policies with respect to partial services. The Municipality has been waiting for several years for developments to proceed to help offset the significant infrastructure costs associated with the municipality's capital investments in public water and roads. There is a demand to expand the Nobel area, and this is the Ministry's opportunity to review the policies related to partial services to allow for growth, make new land available, and build new homes.

In terms of partial services being municipal water, and private sewage systems; It is the Municipality's experience that in an effort to maximize private septic systems the users of municipal water are more cautious with water consumption than those on a municipal sewer system. Septic systems are expensive to replace, and owners will protect their investment.

The Municipality of McDougall is asking that the Ministry recognize, and update the new Provincial Policy Statement to include policies to permit growth and development within areas that provide partial service.