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City of Waterloo staff

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Comments are submitted on behalf of City of Waterloo staff.

City of Waterloo staff appreciate the additional review time provided by the Province. While City of Waterloo staff believe the Provincial planning regime can be streamlined, there are concerns regarding elements of the proposed PPS. The following requests for consideration are made:

1. Request the Government of Ontario continue to maintain a framework for consistent and coordinated population and employment projections for growth.
2. Request the Government of Ontario implement stronger policies and associated justification for settlement boundary expansions, with primary tests being demonstrated need and the ability to cost-effectively extend infrastructure to any expansions.
3. Request the Government of Ontario require strong justification for the conversion of employment lands and require municipalities to ensure that adequate employment land is provided to create a complete community.
4. Request the Government of Ontario remove references in the PPS where policies require municipalities to allow/permit certain development, being polices and
5. Request the Government of Ontario continue to direct growth to settlement areas, and remove the proposed policies to permit lot severances in prime agricultural areas.
6. Request the Government of Ontario continue to require municipalities to plan for affordable housing, through the application of affordable housing targets.
7. Request the Government of Ontario continue to require minimum intensification targets within the 29 fast growing municipalities in Ontario, and prohibiting the minimum intensification targets from being appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
8. Request the Government of Ontario continue to emphasize that vibrant and successful communities include space for a myriad of important sectors, including but not only housing.