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I would like to express my strong opposition to the proposed replacement of the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe with the new Provincial Planning Statement. The changes proposed will encourage urban sprawl and a further loss to our most valuable farmland and the natural areas that all urban residents flocked to during Covid.

Research has shown that there is no shortage of land already designated for urban growth with enough currently designated to meet our housing needs until at least 2050!

I support the government’s objective of addressing the housing supply shortage, but policies must secure a reliable food supply by preserving farmland and ensuring the right to farm. The proposed PPS lot severance polices permitting 3 severances and up to 12 homes on every rural property is of significant concern. Policies must increase the supply of homes without destroying valuable farmland and natural areas.
All classes of agricultural lands must be protected by focusing growth within existing settlement areas to minimize farmland loss and land use conflicts. I strongly encourage the reintroduction of higher density targets from the Growth Plan across municipalities to maximize existing urban boundaries and promote responsible development. Stronger language is needed to enforce protective policies to discourage land speculation and to prevent farmers from being priced out of purchasing farmland by speculators.
Municipalities should not be allowed to expand settlement areas without a comprehensive review of associated infrastructure needs or potential impacts on farmland and natural areas.
Removing the requirement for municipalities to plan according to specific population and employment targets for a horizon year eliminates an essential aspect of coordinated growth planning. This requirement should be reinstated and clearly stated.
Lands subject to Minister’s Zoning Orders should not be exempted from complying with provincial policies and official plans.
Watershed planning should be an essential component of all future planning. Municipalities should be mandated to complete watershed plans prior to expanding urban boundaries.
Specialty crop lands such as tender fruit, grape and Holland Marsh should not be open to aggregate operations.
The new Provincial Planning Statement weakens and eliminates policies that address climate change (intensification, transit supported development). Policies that address climate change are essential and should be clearly mandated.