Abraham Lincoln, President…

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Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States two centuries ago once stated, "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? I answer, if danger ever should reach us, it must spring up amongst us. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be the author and the finisher."
Ontario's proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement, springing up amongst us on April 6, 2023 and authored by the Conservative Party are just such a danger.
This proposal's overall radical shift in planning priorities will ensure the compromise of water sources, green-space, farmland, species diversity, tree mass and wetlands. The result will not only limit our capacity to deal with externally arising climate change effects but promote local internal climate change.
The proposal's details utilizing vague wording, conflicting text, the quoted need to view the proposal in its entirety and its downloading of responsibilities to unprepared and unqualified municipalities, are all smoke meant to confuse, reflected in the glare of the climate change wildfires raging across Canada including Ontario.
The truth is this proposal is not about building housing for those who need it most but about filling the trough faster for those who need it least.
Lincoln finished his speech with the words, "As a nation of free men, we must live through all times or die by suicide." Sadly I am watching our Conservative Party MPPs with this proposal, voluntarily put the rope around Ontario's neck and kick the stool out from under themselves and their future generations.