There are substantial issues…

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There are substantial issues with the proposes that are being offered by the Ford government, some of which they have neglected to use any common sense to establish. You continue to treat each community as identical entities. Sorry but all farms are NOT equal. There are plots of farmland that are not accessible by large pieces of farm equipment, are wet, contain scrub brush, etc. There is a way to preserve farm land at a slower pace yet allowing severances for the next generation. For example: In order to have ONE severance, the farm has to be owned for 10 years, in order to have TWO severances, the farm needs to be owned for 20 years. They could also implement a policy that if the severed parcel of land is severed and sold within “X” number of years, there is capital gains taxes to be paid. The government has allowed massive amounts of international investors to buy property in our Country for “investor” gains thereby pushing home prices out of site for the next generation. The government stole millions of acres of farmland for solar farms when windmills could have been used. Does this make sense? There are massive issues with the health care system and the strain of the aging population. Allowing severances for children can help keep the aging parents in their homes longer because their children would be there to help support, check in and take care of them. In Norfolk County the community where we live, we have been denied a severance on multiple occasions only to be told that Norfolk County is deemed “prime agricultural land” and the government says, no severances on farmland. Well I invite you, Doug Ford and Steve Clark to come and visit our “valuable” farm land that consists of scrub brush, sumac, wetland, and acres where the new “large” farm equipment cannot access. Come visit us!!! If we did not have jobs to support us we would be on social assistance as there is NO way we can survive off this “prime agricultural land”. We live 400 metres from a hamlet, however, we still do not qualify according to the Ford government to sever an acre of farm land for our son. My husband and I worked multiple jobs, sacrificed holidays and extras, didn’t hold our hands out for social assistance, yet we are being dictated to as to what we can and cannot do with our “OWN” property that we have worked for and owned for 30 years. The government continues to steal from the working class. We are supposed to live in a Country that prides itself on democracy, however, it is looking more and more like dictatorship to us.