I oppose the new Provincial…

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I oppose the new Provincial Planning Statement which replaces the provincial policy statement, and the growth plan for the greater Golden horseshoe growth plan. In this time of climate emergency, the PPS does not address the needs of maximizing farmland areas, natural areas, and environmentally sensitive areas. In addition the PPS financially overburdens munipalities because it restricts development fees municipalities can collect from developers.

Thus the PPS negatively impacts Ontarions because:
In this time of climate emergency, the PPS allows for excessive loss of farmland, natural areas, and environmentally sensitive areas.
The PPS encourages urban sprawl to spread into the vital farmland, natural areas and environmentally sensitive areas of Ontario
The PPS falsely claims it creates enough new housing to meet needs in Ontario. In reality the PPS provides a for high-end housing and does not recognize that the missing middle as well as affordable housing are not provided for.

In the PPS there is an obstinate refusal to acknowledge that documented evidence shows Ontario currently has enough urban land to build upon to satisfy the needs of our housing crisis . I clearly observe that the PPS, in effect, allows developers to profit from valuable Ontario lands. However, the PPS does not provide for the need to create affordable housing and to resolve the housing crisis in Ontario.

Several major urban municipalities in Ontario have democratically developed and adopted official plans that provide for sustainable, affordable housing in communities which will meet our needs until 2051. These plans support urban intensification while including liveable communities with thriving economies, public transit, plans for active transportation (walking and biking), green spaces, a clean, healthy environment, and social equity. Yet the PPS has disallowed this well documented planning.
In addition, the PPS dramatically reduces the powers of conservation authorities to sustain healthy environmental habitats and to proactively regulate for climate emergencies
The Ontario government has not allowed adequate public consultation in its development of the PPS. Creating laws without allowing adequate public consultation disrepects our democratic rights. We have the right to seek a democratic resolution to critical issues confronting us. This characteristic of democracy protects us all. It is apparent to me that as the Ontario government pursues its agenda/goals, it is willing to create as many obstacles as possible to healthy, democratic public consultation and input.

Listen to the voices of the people Ontario. There is a critical need for us all to come together to respond to the catastrophes of climate change.

With resolve
a voting Ontarion