Rural areas expansion on…

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Rural areas expansion on prime agricultural land in municpalities (hamlets): before developement and expansion on prime agricultural land, it should be demonstrated that there is a need and requirement for additional building lots within the municipality.
Developers should utilize and develope land within the urban area where land is available and already approved for development.
also utilized and develope existing land in the urban area that already has water and sewer available.
Increased density and urban area prior to allowing expansion on prime agricultural land. This would be a more efficient use of land resources, infrastucture and public services, facilities and support the use of active transportation services and social services.

Building in the urban area requires less land (higher density) to build on compared to building lots in the rural area.

In implementation procedures for the agricultural system in Ontario GGH 2018 part A page 5 it states :
1. Builds rural character and conserves cultural heritage resources.

2. Simulates the cultural vitality of rural communities.
How does more than doubling the size of a hamlet (rural area) build and conserve rural character and culture.
Also the ag food sector contributes to a diverse and stable municipal tax base, with little to no cost to the municipality.
Houses must be built in the right places, growth and development should be focused within the urban settlement areas which in turn support and protect the long term viability of rural areas, local food production and the agri food network.
In closing there should be no expansion of hamlets and rural areas on prime agricultural areas.

Subject: Building lots within the Natural Heritage System:

It has been brought to my attention that, approved existing building lots with the Natural Heritage System , may not allow building of a house.
Affected lots were approved as building lots with plenty of area to build and with road frontage. Approved building lots, become an investment, have value attached to them. purchase price (thousands of dollars) at market value , lawyers fees, property taxes,etc. Also severed existing lot into two lots all agencies involved had input at this time. By changing the rules this will have a massive impact on investment. Basically, these areas will become worthless with little to no value when the province is allowing building on Prime Agricultural areas.
I understand om a similar situation , example Oak Ridges Morrain, existing building lots were grandfathered into the system. Would this set precedence for this and other similar situations.
As part of the PPS I am requesting the province to grandfather exisiting building lots into the system, allowing the building of houses on these lots. These are lots of record.

Mineral Aggregate Resources:

I own 100 acres of land which is primarily aggregate. There is a former gravel pit on the south end of this property and a former aggregate pit on another property next to the property on the north end. The property is primarily hill and ridge, gravel and sand. This deposit runs from the north end to the south end of this property. Also recently several construction people have inquired about this property.
It has good access and close to areas to were aggregate is required. It has been brought to my attention that this area is within the natural heritage system. As part of the PPS can this area (mineral aggregate resource) be grandfathered into the system as a Mineral Aggregate Resource

Lot Creation and Lot Adjustments:

Why should family members have to leave the farm, to find a home and then return daily to the family farm .We should try to keep our young people in the rural area, helps with affordability.