August 27, 2023 I am writing…

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August 27, 2023
I am writing to provide comments on the following proposal on the ERO.
ERO number: 019-7446
Ministry reference number: 3418-CTMUQ3

I am a resident of Oro-Medonte, and I live 2 concessions to the west of the Sarjeant Company’s aggregate pit referenced in this application. My well water comes from the Oro-Moraine the same place Serjeants is planning to take this massive amount of water for their production of gravel.

I am opposed to this application for several reasons including the fact that research into the Oro-Moraine hasn’t been done. We know very little about this hydrological treasure and there are very few protections in place to prevent the harm that aggregate activity places on our environment and my water.

Under the Clean Water Act and South Georgian Bay Source Water Protection Plans, “quarry and mine de-watering systems and wash plants' ' are considered a threat to drinking water. In this case it’s my drinking water and the drinking water of most of the residents of Oro-Medonte.

The massive amount of water referenced in this application will be taken from the Oro-Moraine that feeds three major watersheds and is the source of water for most of Oro-Medonte residents. Before we strain this under studied water source any further, we need to be cautious and limit development and water taking. Once it’s gone or contaminated it’s almost impossible to mitigate.

This application is a Category 3 request which by your own definition is one that “water takings are anticipated to have the highest potential for causing unacceptable environmental impact or interference.” The word ‘unacceptable’ should be enough to deny this application.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application.