Some of the proposed…

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Commenting on behalf of

Liquid Soil Solutions Inc.

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


Some of the proposed amendments to Reg. 406/19 are an injustice to the companies that made enormous investment, to develop innovative and new technologies to support the MECP’s objectives. More specifically, we are referring to the proposed small liquid soil depot and exemption from Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA). 200m3 of liquid soil is not a small operation and it is naive to expect that all small liquid soil depots will operate within compliance without clear direction and oversight through a formal approval process at the provincial level. There is no consistency in the approval process at the regional and municipal level. What is permitted in one municipality, is not permitted in another. A provincial approval process is required to meet the goals of Reg. 406/19, and to maintain a uniform process for the liquid soil management industry across the entire province.