The current landfill is only…


The current landfill is only 8 hectares and has been dormant for over 30 years. Their application would like to expand to 25 hectares and receive tonnes of waste daily. Waste is waste, and there ARE toxic elements to all the waste they have applied to receive. By your own provincial Bill, landfills should not exist within 3.5 km of a residential area. This proposed site is within metres of the town with homes bordering this site! The surrounding area also has endangered species. There is no landfill that is 100% leach proof. Toxins will leach into our soil and aquifer especially when they want to dig deep to receive the large amounts from Toronto. Is this not a conflict of interest when those with the power to make the decision, it’s their garbage we are receiving? I realize landfills are needed, however, why would a province even consider placing a landfill within metres of a community?? This is putting Ontario people at risk. I am asking, begging, as a resident of this community, to please not allow this to happen. I don’t want to be afraid to sit in my own backyard due to the toxins I may be breathing in and listening to the noise of trucks and diggers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.