Kent county has the best…


Kent county has the best agricultural ground in Ontario. We grows 20% of the fruits and vegetables for Canada such as tomatoes, cucumbers,peas,sweet corn,peppers, Brussel sprouts , jalapeños, kidney beans onions pumpkins and carrots to name few. Why in Gods name would you want to build a 300 acre dump for Toronto’s garbage in this beautiful soil ? Don’t you want to eat? There is a fine vegetable processing plant in Dresden the makes food for Canada. Why would you put a dump 1 km out of town to the north where the towns newest subdivision was just built?
It is beside the Sydenham river (Molly creek ) where they have found endangered soft shelled mussels and soft shelled turtles. More information has to be researched as to this area. We have just been through (and lost) protesting the windmills that have ruined the water wells in this area. Water is essential to everyone and ruining it though the aquifer is not acceptable to anyone.
Please please please reconsider the largest dump in Ontario going in kent county
Thank you

Did you know that 20% of the world's vegetables are grown right here in
Chatham-Kent? This has given rise to our slogan "We Grow For the World." Chatham-Kent is proud to be the number one producer in all of Canada when it comes to carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peas, pumpkins and tomatoes.
Plus, Chatham-Kent is home to the largest fresh water commercial fishing port in the world in Wheatley.