Citizens of Dresden, Ontario…


Citizens of Dresden, Ontario are not pleased with this dump being so close to the town. York1 says it is safe. I don't believe that for a minute. I did attend the meeting they had today in Dresden. I have never seen anybody like him not answer a question outright and beat around the bush for every answer he gave. Our wells are going to be impacted. The air we breathe is going to be affected because of all the airborne particles. Our properties and farmland are going to be worthless. Who wants to by homes/farmland with a dump in your backyard. Contrary to what that idiot said today that property values will go up. LOL what a joke that was. Since this news has come out a realtor said in another meeting Dresden had that home/farmland values are already dropping. York1 only cares about the money. They don't give a damn about the small tight knit community of Dresden. York1 will ruin this town. No doubt about it. York1 is playing Russian roulette with our lives. And they plan on winning. But Dresden is strong and we are going to do everything in our power to stop this. I guess that why the cat was not let out of the bag when they bought this property almost 2 years ago. So York1 could get everything into place so Dresden had no say in the matter. How does York1 administration personnel sleeps at night knowing what they are doing this town. They just think of the dollars they will be making and don't care about anything or more importantly anybody but themselves