The expansion of the dump…


The expansion of the dump would be of great detriment to both Dresden and the surrounding area. The truck traffic would be very disruptive to the community. The two main routes off the 401 would include either taking Croton Line, a narrow, winding two-lane road, or right through downtown. The right-through-downtown route would include passing both a public school and a high school. Not to mention the disruption of the downtown businesses- will all the traffic complicating parking on the street. The fact they have further plans to have diesel operated equipment for shredding- the noise would pollute for miles. Why has a low-lying area with a creek along it been the chosen place for for a landfill? In a country where carbon footprint is held as an important consideration, why is this landfill being proposed, when they are planning to truck waste 260km one way? Is that carbon friendly? Why isn't it being processed where it came from? The landfill expansion is not going to assist Dresden in any way, shape or form, please do not approve it. Let the waste be processed where it was generated. On a side note, the fact that this proposal has been set forth when our riding is lacking an MPP is not on the up and up.