The potential health effects…


The potential health effects from living in close proximity to a landfill which would affect ALL of Dresden is high. Usually we don’t find out the effects until years later! I do not want to become a statistic. This could contaminate or soil, we are an agricultural community with a lot of farmland around. These farms grow wheat, corn, tomatoes, onions etc that is used to feed the citizens of Ontario, Canada and the world. We also have livestock around the proposed landfill, this will also affect their health and the increase in traffic could cause unnecessary stress to the livestock. Methane, carbon dioxide, volatile orange c compounds, hydrogen sulphide, bioaresols and particulate matter are all pollutants that will be emitted as stated in the article from the National Library of Medicine. We are all at risk for increase respiratory illnesses such as asthma, cancer, stress from excessive noise from traffic and noise from the operation of this facility being operated 24/7. All it takes is one spill, one accident for these contaminants to enter our Sydenham river, which runs through our town, into Wallaceburg and into the St. Clair River. Several residence surrounding this site are in well water. If the well water becomes contaminated, the health of everyone who comes in contact with the water including livestock and crops that are irrigated at times with well water is put at risk. This site is within 1km of the town of Dresden. How this propsel is even being considered being so close to town and surrounding properties that are less then 500meter amazes me. I thought our lives were more important than the mighty dollar. This needs to be stopped immediately!