I heard what York 1's…


I heard what York 1's intentions are in terms of expanding a dormant landfill. They are trying to say that it is a waste transfer system that will involve recycling of materials, no smell, good business, etc. Although we have always been told recycling is good, however, there are many risks to the environment and surrounding area when recycling toxic material. The Washington Post covered a study involving microplastics being released into the air, soil and water. (article attached) This was also the European Model York 1 referrenced. There are also many risks and hazardous gas emissions when recycling drywall.(study attached) The sheer volume of waste, 6000 tonnes per day 24/7 will absolutely affect surrounding wells, Molly's Creek and leach into the Sydenham River. Landfill or recycling station, this is going to put all Dresden residents and surrounding habitats at risk. I fear our Municipality is only looking at the financial gain, commericial property tax and financial kickbacks of taking other people's garbage. On top of all of this, what about the noise from the plant itself as well as the non-stop roll of trucks through this community. Do you realize, there is only one stop light in our town and one stop light in the town of Thamesville that trucks will travel through to reach this site? Trucks will pass two schools. I won't be able to sit in my back yard for the noise and also be covered in dirt and toxins that will blow from this mega dump. As the Ministry of Environment, I am begging you to please not let this happen. I understand we need to do something about our trash, but should we be doing it this close to a community? I will see these berms and hear this from my backyard. Breathe in toxic dust every time I step out my door. Our aquifer will also be at risk with the amount they will have to dig to accommodate their leachate collection well and 1000 tonnes per day of waste for the landfill. There is no way Dresden would produce 1000 tonnes of waste in a year let alone a day. Our local aquifers have already been affected by the windmills in Chatham Kent. This is a small community and the only impacts I see with this facility are negative.