While I can understand the…


While I can understand the Government's intent of this - energy matters should be left to subject matter experts with the technical expertise. This could set an unwarranted precedence for many future amendments to various Acts.

I do think that there is a more comprehensive resolution that each party can meet/make without an exchange of 'power,' but rather a more collaborative approach.

This seems short-sighted and harmful to the residents of Ontario; with an intent to halt any transition towards electrification, further stalling the Province from aligning it's targets/goals with upper level government. A more holistic, collaborative approach should be sought after and agreed upon - not a complete change/overhaul of 'authority.'

I also believe that this proposal will result in continued changes (potentially) every four (4) years should parties with different agendas come into power and have different outlooks on energy and environment. This (potential) back and forth will more than likely result in (monetary) harm to businesses, corporations and residents of Ontario.

I am encouraging the current Government to seek a better approach and look to work together to find a better resolution than that being proposed. Engagement and collaboration is the key to our democracy - not placing all authority upon the government so that they can quash anything that doesn't align with their views, opinions or current agenda(s). What would be the point of investing taxpayer dollars into the OEB if all authority is left solely to our Provincial decision-makers?

I trust that a more intuitive approach and resolution can be found and met before approvals are sought.