My family and I live on…


My family and I live on Croton Line, directly across from this proposed landfill.

Firstly, I would like to state, that I work in law enforcement and my husband as a volunteer firefighter for this small community. We have personally worked several motor vehicle collisions on this roadway. I can speak from experience that Croton Line specifically is not designed nor is it safe to allow the proposed amount of traffic to travel. By approving this proposal and allowing the truck traffic to travel down Croton Line, increases the risk for motor vehicle collisions, collisions vs. Pedestrians causing serious injury or death increases exponentially.

Secondly, my husband and I have small children that take the school bus to and from school. The buses turn around in my driveway and pick up/drop off my children on the opposite side of the roadway, meaning they have to cross traffic to get home. There is absolutely zero way these buses will be able to continue this route should this proposal go through and MORE importantly, my children along with many other children safety are at risk should ANY of York 1’s proposals be passed.

Lastly, we purchased our home which sits south of this proposed landfill with zero knowledge of any possibility of a future landfill. We have built our home and raised our children here. Our home and property is our safe haven and quiet place. If this landfill is approved, the value of our house will plummet despite hundreds of thousands of dollars invested, our health including my medically fragile child’s health will be at risk, and the peace of mind that my children are safe playing in their front yard will be destroyed.

I am not asking you, I’m begging you. Please for the health and safety of my children, say no to York 1.