If York 1's approved to…


If York 1's approved to build their mega dump in our little town, it will destroy everything that's beautiful that makes Dresden home. The people (children), the land, the water, the air. With this proposed location it sits between some pretty important water ways ( Molly's creek, the Sydenham, the snye and eventually to st Clair river! I fear the safety of our children with the proposed amount of BIG trucks that will run the roads. Now the roads and infrastructure, they were not built for this kind of traffic. Many residents live on the said water ways passing through wich flood very easily already. If a dump was to exist it will potentially expell waste into our water and into surroundings wells! There have been many species of wild life that have been identified and are currently on the endangered list and potentially become extinct if the proposal is passed and the mega dump has any kind of upset ( heavy rains, accidentally released material, happens all the time with current operational dumps), overflow. That would potentially pollut the water and poison the wild life. The proposed land fir this mega dump is only 1 km from our quant town. Please thinks twice before approval.