Molly’s Creek floods across…


Molly’s Creek floods across my entire backyard every spring thaw and heavy rainfall. It overflows over 4 springs and upto and often beyond the stand pipe over my water well. Sitting for two to three days, seeping into the ground. This leaves normal residue on ground, plants and foliage from 1/3 to 1/2 including the entire width of my yard. Molly’s Creek is a waterway flowing into the Sydenham River which York1 plans to use at this landfill site, to rid itself of runoff water. At 10444 Croton Line, my property (1km away) is literally at the bottom of the creek’s journey. Should the creek become contaminated and overflow onto my yard it could potentially contaminate my water source affecting my property and my family’s health. We have lived here for 50 years and have cleaned up year after year of creek flood and have accepted it as country living and Mother Nature. What is frightening and unacceptable is contamination. I am becoming very stressed at the thought of losing my water well and property value. Surely this landfill could find another site away from surrounding homes and a town. Thank you for your consideration of my issue.