This proposal is absurd. The…


This proposal is absurd. The "landfill" in reference was a site that was in operation over 30 years ago to bury ash from an incinerator. It is not, and has not been, a landfill for a long time. This is taking advantage of grandfathered zoning.

Dresden is a vibrant community with 2500 citizens. To build a large scale recycling facility that close to people's homes is cruel. It also sends a clear message that our government doesn't care about our quality of life or property values.

There is currently a housing crisis in Canada, and a plan to bring a significant number of immigrants to our Country over the next few years (which I highly support). Building this facility will severely impact our community's ability to expand.

York1 estimates that up to 700 trucks could be accessing this facility daily. That is approximately a truck driving through our outside our little community every TWO minutes. Our infrastructure CAN'T support this, especially during the season where we have constant tractor traffic.

My largest concern is the environmental impact this facility will have. If you look at the current "landfill" on Google maps, you can clearly see an overgrown lot with a creek that runs behind the property. Molly's Creek is on a flood plain, and runs directly to Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie. Allowing York1 to proceed is very irresponsible and shamefull. It will directly demonstrate to the province that you don't actually care about the environment and your ministry is a facade.

Please, I beg with all of my heart, do not allow this proposal to go through.

Sincerely, a Dresden resident.