The more I hear about this…


The more I hear about this proposal the worse it seems to get. The idea of putting a mega dump backing on to a creek and wetlands that flows into a major river is crazy. The environmental destruction alone should prohibit this plan from being accepted. Yes I know everyone says well they can control their runoff and no pollution will get into the river but that is highly unlikely and when it happens no one will know until the dead fish and wild life shows up.
The company is also talking about 700 trucks per day, which in realty means 1400 trucks driving the route to and from the site. If they arrive they have to leave also. With the location being less than 1 km from the town of Dresden and over 20km from the 401 and 40km from the 402 what route are these trucks going to take? The infrastructure in the farming communities along these paths are not meant for this type of traffic. Adding 700 trucks to roads in the area where in the spring and fall are major routes for farm equipment will only increase the likely hood at some point of a major accident. Most of the routes in the area are also used by school buses with hundreds collection children from individual farms during September to June. Another step towards disaster with 60,000 pounds truck and school buses competing for the same road space.
There is a reason why dumps are supposed to be located 3.5 km away from boundaries and communities and this one is not. There is a reason why you see most dumps within a few km of a major roadway and this one is not. There is a reason why most dumps are not located near wetlands or rivers and this one is.
Please make the correct decision and stop this catastrophe before it gets started.