The proposal to amend…


The proposal to amend existing zoning of the property at 29831 Irish School Road owned by York1 is disgusting, ignorant and will cause suffering to the whole community, environment and surrounding communities. I am a resident of Dresden and I live and raise my family just over a kilometre from this purposed site. The entire community is within the “detrimental health affected area” that is defined in current legislation as 3.5 kms. Within those limits you will find a high school, public school, many DAYCARES ( 5 just over one kilometre away).
York1 is trying to be “grandfathered” in on an ancient zoning (A021304 Nov.1980) (A020401). This site was used in the past to bury incinerator ash. York1 wants to create a MEGA dump (includes ASBESTOS)) here and this is irresponsible on so many levels.
First of all; HUMAN SUFFERING. living in the fall out zone of a landfill has proven detrimental health effects, especially on the elderly, children and people with underlying health conditions such as asthma, COPD, and other respiratory illnesses. I have attached studies to confirm this. CANCER rates rise in landfill fall out zones as well, especially Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, lung cancer and tracheal cancer.
ENVIRONMENTAL Suffering and risks;
This proposal poses serious risks to our beautiful natural environment. Mollys Creek runs right along the proposed property. York1 already snuck in an ERO with the MOE to allow storm waters and ditches to discharge into Mollys Creek that runs into the Sydenham River. The river is home to many rare species ( rare in the world) at risk. Fish spawn in Mollys creek, it’s home to rare turtles and mussels as well. The Sydenham goes through Wallaceburg, Wapole and then into the St.Clair. The clean drinking water for communities that depend on the river and who live in the watershed are at risk. Mr Dave Wilson that lives right across the road has already felt the detrimental effects of York1. Wilson found METHANE in his water well recently while York1 conducted core sampling at the site. A strong methane smell was also smelled in my neighbourhood at that time. Wilson stated that there had not been methane in his well ever, his wife has been on the property for over 30 years. Methane will be a foreseeable problem in the future that our local fire department opposes on many levels.
The amount of big diesel trucks that this mega dump proposes could be up around 700/day. The surrounding municipalities and our own municipality does not want to support the extraordinary amount of pollution, road damage, noise, and increased safety risks this would create especially to bus routes.
Can you imagine living close to this proposal? The noise of all the trucks and heavy machinery, the large machines that crush and shake the construction waste 24/7?? The smells? The light pollution! The crops would suffer as well. Particulate material carried on the wind will contaminate our crops. WHY A MEGA DUMP IN THE BREAD BASKET OF THE WORLD?? Can you see how ignorant and irresponsible environmentally this is??
What about the social and economic destruction?
Dresden is a historic town and is a tourist attraction. Dresden is home to Josiah Henson’s Cabin and is rich with Black history. Dresden has also been called Christmas Town. Our Christmas night market attracts thousands of people every year.
It is well documented that businesses and private property value inevitably will decrease significantly. York1 has gone ahead and purchased parcels of property to the north and to the south of the proposed property. There are still quite a few properties within the 500m area and a bit over. The news of this proposal had a crushing effect on the hopes and dreams of the people of Dresden. We have invested everything here, the thought of an irresponsible, profits over people corporation has been devastating psychologically. Some folks have even said they will pull their money out and move away.

York1 is trying to be “grandfathered” in on an ancient zoning (A021304 Nov.1980) (A020401). This site was used in the past to bury incinerator ash. York1 wants to create a MEGA dump (includes ASBESTOS)) here and this is irresponsible on so many levels.
First of all; HUMAN SUFFERING. living in the fall out zone of a landfill has proven detrimental health effects, especially on the elderly, children and people with underlying health conditions such as asthma, COPD, and other respiratory illnesses. I have attached studies to confirm this. CANCER rates rise in landfill fall out zones as well, especially Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, lung cancer and tracheal cancer.
ENVIRONMENTAL Suffering and risks;
This proposal poses serious risks to our beautiful natural environment. Mollys Creek runs right along the proposed property. York1 already snuck in an ERO with the MOE to allow storm waters and ditches to discharge into Mollys Creek that runs into the Sydenham River. The river is home to many rare species ( rare in the world) at risk. Fish spawn in Mollys creek, it’s home to rare turtles and mussels as well. The Sydenham goes through Wallaceburg, Wapole and then into the St.Clair. The clean drinking water for communities that depend on the river and who live in the watershed are at risk. Mr Dave Wilson that lives right across the road has already felt the detrimental effects of York1. Wilson found METHANE in his water well recently while York1 conducted core sampling at the site. A strong methane smell was also smelled in my neighbourhood at that time. Wilson stated that there had not been methane in his well ever, his wife has been on the property for over 30 years. Methane will be a foreseeable problem in the future that our local fire department opposes on many levels.
The amount of big diesel trucks that this mega dump proposes could be up around 700/day. The surrounding municipalities and our own municipality does not want to support the extraordinary amount of pollution, road damage, noise, and increased safety risks this would create especially to bus routes.
Can you imagine living close to this proposal? The noise of all the trucks and heavy machinery, the large machines that crush and shake the construction waste 24/7?? The smells? The light pollution! The crops would suffer as well. Particulate material carried on the wind will contaminate our crops. WHY A MEGA DUMP IN THE BREAD BASKET OF THE WORLD?? Can you see how ignorant and irresponsible environmentally this is??
What about the social and economic destruction?
Dresden is a historic town and is a tourist attraction. Dresden is home to Josiah Henson’s Cabin and is rich with Black history. Dresden has also been called Christmas Town. Our Christmas night market attracts thousands of people every year.
It is well documented that businesses and private property value inevitably will decrease significantly. York1 has gone ahead and purchased parcels of property to the north and to the south of the proposed property. There are still quite a few properties within the 500m area and a bit over. The news of this proposal had a crushing effect on the hopes and dreams of the people of Dresden. We have invested everything here, the thought of an irresponsible, profits over people corporation has been devastating psychologically. Some folks have even said they will pull their money out and move away.
Folks are asking for, at the very least, a new environmental assessment. That is not enough for me, I don’t negotiate with Terrorists, and that’s what the agents of York1 are! I wouldn’t even waste time or money on an assessment TELL YORK1 NO! They can’t be trusted the way they have conducted themselves in this community. Lying, sneaking around and not being transparent with our community! What do they plan on bringing here? They won’t say exactly. I have a sneaky feeling the hundreds of trucks a day will be bringing waste from P3 projects from the Toronto area. York1 can go find an ethical location away from people, rivers, agriculture, watersheds and species at risk.