SUBJECT: York1 Environmental…


SUBJECT: York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd as general partner for and on behalf of York1 Environmental Waste Solutions
Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
Instrument type: Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
ERO number: 019-8205
Ministry reference number: 2082-CYEJP2
Notice type: Instrument
Act: Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage: Proposal Proposal posted: January 31, 2024
Comment period: January 31, 2024 – March 16, 2024 (45 days Open Last updated: January 31, 2024
This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on: March 16, 2024

• Too close to the Town of Dresden (Only 1 km away).
• Receiving and Processing TONNES per day at the site. We have been told two different working
times through meetings with York1. One is: 24/7 and Second is 7 am to 9 pm .

• Concerned as to the increased Odours and Types of Material that could be unloaded.
• Pollution and added Health concerns with more traffic emissions from all the Delivery Trucks.
Concerned about the added danger of small particles floating in the air. Example: asbestos …
• Noise Pollution will definitely increase !

• Water contamination being so close to a large creek that flows into the nearby River that flows through wetlands to a major river connected to the Great Lakes.
In the Spring, the river could flood or drain unwanted pollutants into the nearby creek by York1’s
site. The same creek drains into the nearby river already described.
• Concerned the water table being disturbed by constant vibrations on the site plus surrounding
roads to stir up dangerous minerals below the water table which feeds many of the rural wells.
• There are many Endangered Species that have been found in water, as well as, on land.
Species only found in this area. They will be gone.

Question not fully answered as to how sewage was going to be handled.
How do we know what they will do for sure ? Too many vague answers given.
I would think they should know by now ?

• Concerned that there will be more traffic for the local towns, rural areas far and wide driving
toward the direction of York1’s property whether it is from the North, South, West or East.
What Drives In – Must Drive Out which only magnifies the number of vehicles travelling on the
• In addition to the added traffic being discussed, there are multiple buses using many of the same roads to bring students to two local schools in town. Bus traffic includes picking-up the students, delivering them the local town as well as to other City locations. In the afternoon, picking the students up to be delivered to their homes in the rural areas.
• Town students will need to be more careful walking and crossing the main highway that travels through the Town whether it is to go to a Public School or Highschool.
• When Spring and Fall comes, being that it is an Agricultural community, the competition on the road will be enhanced with many Agricultural implements moving to and from locations to plant their crops. There will be trucks, tractors, sprayers, and wagons delivering seed, fertilizer as well as, at harvest time, the crops will be delivered to local elevators, on-farm bins or factories.
• Local businesses in town are challenged to safely turn onto a main highway especially if for example you have a food business and recreational building in the same area. Again, added truck traffic I would think, will make it busier than ever if they choose to drive through the business section of the town.
• With the added traffic on the main highways as well as, rural highways, who will pay for the repair or replacements of roads that have broken down with the added traffic throughout the four seasons of the year.
• Bridges and roads with added traffic, weight and vibrations from vehicles – will take a toll on the roads and bridges. Who pays for the repair or replacement ?
Another Safety and traffic concern to think about is for the families following a hearse and turning into a cemetery. Our area is close to two funeral parlors and at least three cemetery locations all located on a main Highway.

Who wants to live in a town that is within close proximity to a Dump?
Concerned citizens in town and in the area, fear their property will definitely drop significantly !

Other Concerns
• Why use good Agricultural land?
• Driving 3 to 4 hours to deliver truck loads? If recyclable and not garbage, why not keep it closer to
a site than driving so far ? We do not want it here.
• If there are the number of large trucks being suggested for delivery to the named site daily, how
can the site prevent from getting behind with their recycling to only end up having a horrendous
mountain of garbage that just keeps growing. A bigger dump offers more Safety and Environmental issues that a lot of times cannot be reversed.
Especially the fact, the town is only 1 KM away and very close to a creek and river.
“I SAY NO for the DUMP North of the Town of Dresden!”