How is it okay for a company…


How is it okay for a company to come into a community with disregard of the health and safety of a town and it’s residents, devaluation of their homes and property, traffic impossibility and potential contamination of water creating extinction of rare water dwelling species? How is it okay to fowl our clean laundry on the line country air with constant putrid odours of garbage?

A permit for a dump fifty years ago for a small piece of land is not the same permit in this day 2024 for a mega dump/landfill…in my opinion. They would need water, where would they get it? You can’t buy a piece of property and get a permit to build a single dwelling home and sell it to someone else to tear it down and build an apartment building under the same permit….in my opinion, which it seems York1 plans to do. No one wants a York1 project on Irish School Road, especially the residents across the road in either direction. No one in the entire area wants a dump/landfill here. There is plenty of wide open space elsewhere….in my opinion.