Hello and thank you for…


Hello and thank you for accepting comments on this matter. There are many environmental concerns that make this an inappropriate choice for a waste disposal site (hazardous/non-hazerdous) and wasn't the initial intention of the site when policies/permits where approved back in the 1970s when also environmental provisions were different. For one the site was only meant to be a small area, the bigger the site gets the more risk there is for waste to leak into Molly's creek that supplies local water ways in the area that many species and ecosystems rely on. For 2 the close proximity to a town has many proven detrimental effects on the air quality that would hurt the respiratory systems of our residents. Also being larger, louder, growing closer to town and running 24/7 will be the detriment to our community effecting our mental health. I think there should also be something said for the way this was presented to us, using shell companies to buy the land and secretly filing provisions in order to push this forward without confronting the community, shows that York 1 would be hard to trust that if given this opportunity to dispose here, could abuse these permits without the community/environment knowing, harming the species in the area and humans who live so close by. It's just not the right place for it. There is so much open land in the area why must it be here so close to rivers/creeks forests and towns there are much better places this could be placed. The location is not appropriate, York1 stands to take all the benefits, while we take on the entire ecological and health risk. Thank you for your time the citizens of the area appreciate it.