As a concerned citizen of…


As a concerned citizen of Chatham-Kent.
I live in the town of Dresden, and my house is 1.2 kms for this proposed land fill site. As I read thru the application for expansion I have some concerns on some of the things they are applying for.
First, I see the application has been amended/corrected to a different address. With this change of address I believe this should have re-started the process of the timeline for application and the comment period back to square one as these are both legal property descriptions.
-They are applying for a non-hazardous site but it clearly itemizes in the application that they will be recycling asbestos contained material at the property?
-one part of the application is to expand the area for waste processing from 0.8 hectares to 25 hectares. This is 31 times larger than the existing permit there are trying to amend. I find it difficult to understand how this significant increase in size would not send up some red flags for further studies and permit applications with this application.
-the proposed amendment is asking for 6000 tonnes per day of non-hazardous solid waste which includes construction and demolition waste, excess soil for beneficial reuse? If this amendment specifically itemizes these materials as including, what makes up the remaining tonnes of solid waste that is not itemized?
-how much asbestos along with other small amount of hazardous material will be included in these loads that no one will identify?
-the amendment speaks of concrete, wood, brick, drywall, etc. How do we know all of this material if free of contaminants? It also itemizes, again, asbestos-containing material, tires, shingles and asphalt. All of these being a major concern for source water protection in the event of a large rain fall event.
-In respect to the 3000 tonnes per day of non-hazardous solid waste materials including soil and soil-like materials wastes processed into recycled materials? It speaks of a process called soil washing? Where is the rinse water being contained and disposed of for this process? What is the consistency of this soil and material? What is the nutrient and mineral makeup of this soil? What is the phosphate content of this material along with any heavy metals, lead, copper arsenate, high quantities of iron and or petroleum based solvents? Will there be testing done on all the loads of these types of waste inbound before they are allow to unload?
-the amendment speaks of a storm water management infrastructure. I would anticipate the requirements for this to be a very LARGE infrastructure? This site is applying to increase to 25 hectares. this would be equal to approx 62 acres of land area. When we receive a rainfall event, 1 inch of water is equal to approx 27,000 gallons of water per acre. If the total are is 62 acres x 27,000 gallon would equal a management and runoff protection of 1.7 million gallons, this would be, per inch of rainfall!! I do understand there will be adsorption into the soil, but at this site applying for this amendment, the soil type is a very heavy, fine textured soil with more runoff than absorption in a heavy rainfall event. That is why this site was used years ago to manufacture clay drainage tile.
-the current owner of this site has told the residents of the area there will be no odor but yet it specifically speaks to organics materials in the addition of waste classes.
-as a resident of the town of Dresden, I have lived here all my life and i just do not understand how the MOE can let something like this sneak thru the system??