As a condition imposed on…


As a condition imposed on York 1 , York 1 must be accountable to be held responsible for monitoring PFAS on site and it's treatment. The material York 1 wants to landfill and recycle at the Dresden site will contain PFAS.

Should a leachate leak occurs into the Sydenham river which is less that 1 km from the site the potential for PFAS leachate traveling downstream into the water supply of Wallaceburg and Walpole Island is very real and is sufficient risk that warrants imposing the conditions of York 1 testing for and treatment of leachate for PFAS on site.

From the following article as reference:…

The statement below from the article reinforces the need for PFAS monitoring and treatment conditions to be imposed on York 1 for the Dresden site;

"When considering how to deal with PFAS in their leachates, landfill operators need to either install a stand-alone PFAS treatment system or integrate a PFAS treatment system with their existing biological or membrane treatment systems (exactly where depends on the specifics of the existing treatment system and PFAS treatment targets). The integrated PFAS treatment system would deal with the leachate itself and/or the RO reject, if applicable. Since leachates are often collected from various cells within a landfill and directed to the WWTP, a recommended practice would also include adding a leachate equalization tank to blend the various leachates and to deal with seasonal or episodic variations in flowrates and varying PFAS types and concentrations. Having a PFAS treatment system that can adapt to all these combinations is of great value."