To Whom It May Concern: I…


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter with deep concern about the Proposed Waste Processing site at 29831 Irish School Road, Dresden, Ontario.

Dresden and surrounding area boasts some of the most fertile farmland in Southwestern Ontario. We grow an abundance of crops here that feeds the residents of Ontario. We are privileged to live in a province with a large geographic area, however not all of this area has such fertile soil. I feel that this processing site would be better suited in an area with less valuable land.

I have grave concerns as well about the air quality. Although the proposal lists “non-hazardous waste”, further along into the proposal asbestos storage is mentioned. I have young children and it is their right to breathe clean air. Trucking thousands of tonnes of waste from the GTA will create a lot of emissions, something Ontario is trying to get away from to keep our air clean.

Traffic is another concern, as our infrastructure here is not built to withstand all of the trucks that will be traveling to this site. We have farming vehicles that use these roads and the extra trucks will not want to be patient with these farmers as they try to get to their destination. There are several small communities that these trucks would have to travel through in order to get to the site and that poses extra risks to the citizens there, particularly young children trying to get to the park or go for a bike ride. This site would be much better suited close to a 400 series highway and closer to the area where all of the waste is coming from.

The proposed site is right next to Molly’s Creek which flows into the Sydenham River. The Sydenham river has a history of flooding and I am very concerned about the potential runoff from the waste in the site. We have a variety of endangered species in the Sydenham river and a lot of our residents use the river for leisure activities. It is important to keep our river clean and free from pollution.

There are two schools within 3 kilometres of the site, along with a community of approximately 3000 people. There are quite a few residential dwellings right next to the proposed site. As tax paying citizens of Ontario, we should be able to breathe clean, fresh air, cross our street without fear of large trucks full of waste, drink our water and participate in recreational activities without worrying about the contamination. Please do the right thing and reject this application.

Kind regards,

A Very Concerned Dresden Resident